1:1 Maths and English Tutor

Ydych chi'n diwtor Mathemateg a Saesneg wedi'ch lleoli yn neu o gwmpas ardal Ynys Mon? Yna mae gan Integra Education y rôl berffaith i chi!

Crynodeb y Swydd:

Mae Integra Education yn chwilio am Diwtor Mathemateg a Saesneg ymroddedig a phrofiadol i ymuno.

Fel Tiwtor, byddwch yn gyfrifol am ddarparu sesiynau Mathemateg a Saesneg i fyfyrwyr nad ydynt yn mynychu addysg brif ffrwd.

Mae hwn yn gyfle gwych i unigolion sydd ag angerdd am addysg ac awydd i gael effaith gadarnhaol ar lwyddiant academaidd y myfyrwyr.

Pam y byddwch yn caru y rol:

  • Cyfradd tâl hyd at £28.00 yr awr

  • Tâl wythnosol neu fisol - chi sy'n dewis

  • Rhif uniongyrchol at eich ymgynghorydd sydd bob amser yn hapus i helpu

  • Cyrsiau CDP am ddim - rydym yn talu'r gost

  • Oriau rhan-amser neu amser llawn ar gael - neu gymaint ag y dymunwch, i gyd-fynd â'ch argaeledd!


  • Profiad blaenorol mewn tiwtora/dysgu

  • Gradd a/neu gymhwyster addysgu

  • Profiad o weithio gyda disgyblion prif ffrwd a/neu ALN

  • Dealltwriaeth dda o'r cwricwlwm cenedlaethol

  • Gallu teithio fewn ac o gwmpas ardal Ynys Mon

  • Person amynedd, empathetig ac yn addasadwy

Eisiau gwybod pam mae mwy a mwy o diwtoriaid ac athrawon yn newid i ymuno ag Integra Education?

Ffoniwch ni ar 01925 594 203 neu e-bostiwch

Edrychwn ymlaen at glywed oddi wrthych!


Are you a Welsh tutor based in or around the Anglesey area?

Then Integra Education have the perfect role for you.

Job Summary:

Integra Education are seeking a dedicated and experienced Maths and English Tutor to join our team.

As a Tutor, you will be responsible for providing Maths and Englis sessions to students not currently accessing mainstream education.

This is an excellent opportunity for individuals with a passion for education and a desire to make a positive impact on students' academic success.

Why you'll love it:

  • Pay rate up to £28.00 per hour

  • Weekly or monthly pay - you choose

  • Direct number to your consultant who are always happy to help

  • Free CDP courses - we cover the cost

  • No DBS? No problem, we can help you with this process!

  • Part-time or full time hours available - or as many as YOU want to match your availability


  • Previous experience in tutoring/teaching

  • Degree and/or teaching qualification

  • Experience working with mainstream and/or SEN pupils

  • Patient, empathetic and adaptable

  • Good understanding of the national curriculum

  • Able to travel in and around the Anglesey area

Want to know why more and more tutors and teachers are switching to join Integra Education?

Give us a call on 01925 594 203 or email

We look forward to hearing from you

  • Start: 02/09/2024
  • Duration: On going
  • Rate: £25 - £28 per hour + Weekly or Monthly Pay
  • Location: Isle of Anglesey, Wales
  • Type: Contract
  • Industry: Education
  • Recruiter: Integra
  • Contact: Ioan Griffiths
  • Tel: 01248668700
  • Email: to view click here
  • Posted: 2024-09-06 16:21:20 -

  • View all Jobs from Integra

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